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Frances Walker – Staff Spotlight

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Frances Walker, case manager at Sundram Manor

Frances Walker, Case Manager at Sundram Manor, was a huge help and a reliable partner in January’s transition. She has continued to be just as helpful as the months have moved on. Frances admitted that, at first, she was “a little scared” about what Cazenovia Recovery’s new role would mean for her program. She expressed that “change can be difficult.” Luckily, this particular change wasn’t difficult at all. Now, she feels like she’s a part of a great team. “I’m at ease, comfortable, and happy.”

She began her career with Sundram Manor in 2014 as the program’s secretary. Eventually, she also served as a residence monitor at the program. When the position of case manager became available, she jumped at the opportunity and she hasn’t stopped learning since. “I like taking care of people,” she said. In January of this year, she even started taking classes to prepare for her CASAC.

At the end of last year, Frances helped a resident become actively involved in his own healthcare. When he first arrived at Sundram Manor, he wasn’t excited and wanted to leave, but Frances had a heart-to-heart discussion with him. This helped convince him that he was in the right place and that there was a lot to learn from what the program had to offer. Next, Frances set up him with a doctor and he went for his first doctor’s appointment in years. After that, he followed through on all of his medical appointments. Once he learned the benefits of engaging in proactive healthcare, he thanked Frances repeatedly. She also helped him transition successfully to Supportive Living.

Frances loves moments where she really gets to connect with the people we serve. “It’s great to see them accomplish things,” she said. She especially enjoys seeing residents transition onto the next step in their lives.  “They make me smile and keep me on my toes,” she said with a laugh.

When asked what she liked best about Sundram Manor, Frances replied with: “I like everything. I love my boss. I like the staff and I like our residents. We really work together and we have fun.” She was happy to explain that she and the residents often work together to make each other smile. “If I don’t walk in with a smile on my face, they help me to smile because it lights up their day, too.” Frances’s warm smile and great laugh undoubtedly play a large role in her program’s cohesiveness.

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