In this heartwarming and compelling story, we delve into the recovery journey of Liz, a courageous woman who has faced significant struggles but has emerged stronger and more determined to help others.
Early Struggles and Overcoming Challenges
Liz has been at Madonna House three times. Each stay has been a learning experience, teaching her something new about herself and her journey. The first time, she had a recurrence of use almost immediately. The second time, she stayed substance-free for nine months, driven by her desire to be a better person for her son. However, she was in an abusive relationship, making it impossible to sustain her recovery. This third time, Liz is determined to make lasting changes.
Before coming to Madonna House, Liz describes her life as being dominated by a profound sense of worthlessness. “Life was filled with anxiety, depression, and not believing in myself,” she recalls. She spent her days going to the methadone clinic, unable to sleep or find any peace. The constant turmoil left her feeling unfocused and unfulfilled.
Liz’s biggest challenge was learning to love and believe in herself. Despite graduating college at 20, she fell into the trap of substance use at 21. “My soul was dying inside. I didn’t feel like a person. The drugs were breaking me, and I knew that I needed help,” she shares. It was this inner turmoil that finally made her seek help and pursue a completely different path.
Embracing Recovery and Transformative Changes
Today, recovery for Liz means being able to talk about her feelings and not wanting to be invisible. She finds solace and support in the staff at Madonna House. “The staff here are wonderful. They loved me until I loved myself. They are always there for me, always asking what’s going on,” she explains.
Liz is excited about the changes she has made in her life over the past three months. She now sleeps well at night and wakes up with excitement for what the day holds. “I sleep so well at night, and I lay my head down with no regrets because I put in the work each day to become a better person,” she says. Her faith has become a pivotal part of her recovery. “God has become very prevalent in my recovery. I started praying, and my faith has helped me believe that we were created for a purpose,” Liz adds.
Transition and Future Aspirations
One of the most significant steps in Liz’s recovery was her transition from methadone to Suboxone. “A big part of my progress was getting off of the methadone and breaking that routine of going to the clinic every day,” she explains. The staff at Madonna House made the process as smooth as possible for her. “Paula and Aman were so good to me the first day I stopped taking methadone. They eased me into getting on Suboxone, and I didn’t even know that was possible,” Liz shares with gratitude.
Liz’s journey is a powerful testament to the importance of support and self-belief in recovery. She is taking courses to become a peer advocate at Erie Community College and dreams of becoming an RN to work in rehab, helping others who face similar struggles. “I want to come back here and work. I love it here so much. This program saved my life, and I want to help others,” she says with determination.
Message of Hope
She wants the community to understand that recovery is a continuous process that requires love, support, and a willingness to change. “Recovery gave me my life back. I am so grateful that I didn’t die from my overdoses. I want others to know that there is hope and that they can find freedom from substance use disorder,” Liz emphasizes.
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