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Anthony – TPH Resident of the Month

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In March, Anthony received the honor of being selected as Turning Point House’s resident of the month. Ray Woodin, Anthony’s counselor, said that Anthony was “very engaged in all aspects of his treatment.” In fact, he was so engaged and focused that he didn’t even realize how well he was doing. “Anthony was quite surprised when he heard he was selected,” said Ray. The best part was that being recognized by his treatment team didn’t change his attitude. According to Ray, Anthony “kept on engaging.”

Anthony’s very positive attitude contributes to his success in recovery. “You can’t let the bad days get you down,” he said. He’s been at Turning Point for almost two months and in that time, he’s learned a lot about himself. “It’s helped me to become accountable for the things I do and say,” Anthony noted.

Turning Point House is a “great place” according to Anthony, and there’s much he enjoys. “The counselors are easy-going,” he said “They give you independence and show you the tools to succeed.”  He particularly appreciates that the staff at Turning Point House are so open. “You can pretty much talk about anything.” The tranquil grounds of the program receive accolades from many residents, as well, and Anthony is no different.  “The meetings around the campfire are great.”

Once Anthony finishes up his stay at Turning Point House, he hopes to become gainfully employed again. Previously, he worked as a house painter, which he enjoyed. “I’m determined to get back work,” he said.

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